Sunday, December 7, 2008

stupid mistakes I have committed so far....

Its been a month plus that I have worked in PA. Its really NOT MUCH thing to do as yet... LOL.. Not because I am paid just to be vase in the office, but project starting next year, now because drawing near to end of the year, people are busying closing projects rather then starting new ones. But what I heard is that the committee that I am leading will have at least two projects to work on next year.. need to prepare my stamina to handle the tiredness etc... But thank God i pick up running and swimming le!! lol....

But working in PA is starting to get a bit struggling, especially the relating part.. I am called to lead this group of committee which is the indians committee, I really having difficulty to socialise with them. THey are those highly educated, super rich.. working in govertment sector that hold high rank and post, they are a team of influencial people and precisely because of this its getting me feeling intimidated. God really is good in putting me where I am not comfortable at times. I am thinking why not put me in Youth grp or etc.... why indian committee, but true enough, this is what i really need. Through this situation, I have learnt to depend on Him in my daily life, not just " PROJECT BASE" but daily life. But truly that God wants to draw me nearer to Him.

Recently been reflecting upon my life, I really think that my life is really quite an adventure and if I am God, I think I will kill "me". I have really did alot of stupid things in my life and i decided to openly put in my blog today
( dont get stumbled hor*** )

1) I love to steal things when I am young .. like money, shop lifting ( thank God i didnt get caught.. hmm)
2) I scold my Mum and dad when I feel agitated by them ( I think alot of you can identify with me on this)
3) I watched RA movie before together with my classmate when I am in secondary school( ok.. this is quite err.. out of curiosity....... and the whole time, we are making alot of comments throughout the show...)
4) I Cheated in exams before during my secondary school(but i still fail in the end.. -.- )
5) I love to make fun of other classmates and make them feel outcast ( confession time : leanne is one of that poor soul .. sorry leanneeee.....)
6) I love to gossip about other girls and make the rest of the classmate hate them ( ok, this is what i call "survival skill" when I am in secondary school time)
7)I become a lesbian when I am in polytechnic( this mark one of the life transformation I had in my life)
8) dislike authority and doubted in them
. the list can truly goes on..... But I think I will just stop here...I think one of the most memorable incident or struggle I has with God is when I fall into homosexuality when I am at the age of 20 years old when I am in poly technic..That was the one of the intense period of my life where I have to struggle between what I felt and what I know is right... Many people came into my life that time to help me and to speak to me regarding this issue. I turn away from them. But God is real and good, without fail , holy spirit spoke to me and I start to realise the root issue of my life and now I can say that I am truly set free.

Ok.. kind of tired.. think I will continue next blog ..But I hope to blog more of my experience in my lesbianism and I hope those who have this struggle actually got the chance to read my blog and be encouraged. YOu are not alone and God can change you cause he love you and He has his perfect will for you.

to be continue.............................................................