Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lesson 1 : DUN tell me what I CANNOT DO.. Tell me WHAT I CAN DO!!

Just came back from running.... It really feel good running and getting yourself super duper tired and relax.Just feel good about that.
Actually i am getting rather anxious and same time excited over the new job that I will be working in this coming monday.. excited because this job is obviously a job that God gave.. anxious is because I am worried that I cant cope with my health and also my ability...
obviously, at this moment, I am not the only one that is anxious about my ability to cope, My parents is MUCH more anxious then me.
Have you ever experience when people start to keep nagging you with words or comment telling you of what you fall short of, remind you of what to be fearful of and telling you stuff that reminds you of all the negative things that have happened? I have this group of people around me.. and challenging to speak, they are with me in my very house.. they are none other then my parents themselves...
Sometimes, you cant help, but be affected by all those comments... negative feelings or fear will grip you tightly.But truly thank God... I have the word with me.
Was reading the luke and one of the chapter that talks about the storm that actually rock the boat of jesus' and his disciple and one of the, shouted towards jesus saying that they are going to die as the storm is huge, and what did jesus says? he didnt say " man.. we are going to die for real this time, let me pray and ask God(the father) to calm this storm for us" but instead he calm the storm instantly and rebuked the rest and say " where is your faith" ( in luke 8:25)
This passage just reminded me about " where is my faith?" when things around me seemingly big and too much for me to handle? or out of my control? where is my faith?
Choosing to believe in what God can do and has done is important. There are many many thoughts that went through our mind every day.. did we harnass our ability to think of what " can be done" or we spent time entertaining the thoughts of " what cant be done"?
Sometimes i realise that I spend too much time thinking of what CANT Be done then thinking of the things that CAN BE DONE... I really want to make good use of what God has given to me" my ability to think to harnass the best thing that God want to give in my life. God's word transform life, but first it is to transform my thought life first.
My life should be mark with what God think I can do and not what I think i cant do....
I am still growing much in this area. I really know that God want to do something big in my life therefore the training is worth it.
Start to realise that I cant live without the word of God, to come and add faith and strength in every step of my life, this is what I really dig for.. though not easy, but yet knowing that the outcome of the "new" Nel is worth it.


  1. hoho.. your new blog is finally out.. maintain it k.. ciao!

  2. nelm one thing you can do is belly dancing!! looking forward to have it as a presentation!

  3. You've got a blog! was surfing around and chanced upon yours.. heh.

    what you can do is to stay cute always and feed me mushrooms.. hoho

  4. whatever.... LOL.. YOu guys can do belly dancing with me then...
